You guys. This is cool. In the cold, hard, cash-driven world of banking, Frost Bank – contrary to its name – is melting our hearts. They've created a campaign they're calling Opt for Optimism with the hashtag #frostitforward which encourages small acts of kindness in the community, and doles out $100 gift cards to deserving nonprofits. GAIA was given a $100 gift card to #frostitfoward to the charity of our choice, and we chose Heart House, an organization here in Dallas that focuses on bringing refugee children "from harm to home." With the school year already in full-swing, school supplies were needed at Heart House, so we knew they could use the extra cash!
BIG thanks to Frost Bank for not only donating the dough, but for creating this platform for positivity.
Check out the Culture Map write up & video here!
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